Catalogo online para a MP CARREIRAS

Online catalog for MP CARREIRAS

Creation of an online catalog for MP CARREIRAS, an outplacement specialist. Career Strategy;Career Development;Career Planning;CV Preparation;Interview Simulation;Building Strategic Networking through...
Catalogo online para a psicologa Ana Flavia Cortez

Online catalog for psychologist Ana Flavia Cortez

Creation of an online catalog for psychologist Ana Flavia Cortez Ana Flavia is a psychologist in the city of Recife and needed a modern and practical digital medium to disseminate information about her professional activity. The catalog comes with a domain name and...
Catalogo online para a barbearia blessed barber

Online catalog for blessed barber shop

Creation of an online catalog for the business o blessed barber Creation of an online catalog with an online scheduling system A barber shop on the outskirts of São Paulo, the owner needed a modern and practical way to disseminate information about the...
Digital Business Solutions

Digital Business Solutions

DBS has its own virtual business card that can be opened on a smartphone using a physical card that uses contactless NFC technology. Demonstration of the proximity card in this video: ...
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